13 Essentials To Create a High-Converting Landing Page

13 Essentials To Create a High-Converting Landing Page

Yusuf Shurbaji
Aug 10, 2023
min read


  • Design effective landing pages to convert visitors into customers with a compelling message that resonates with your target audience.
  • Ensure your landing page has a clear and compelling headline, the first element visitors see that can either retain or lose them.
  • Include a clear Call-to-Action (CTA) that prompts visitors to take action, and maintain a clean design that helps highlight the main components.
  • Utilize compelling visuals such as images, videos, or graphics that enhance the user experience and aid in conveying your message.
  • Showcase social proof such as customer reviews or testimonials to build trust, and maintain a consistent brand voice throughout your landing page copy.


A high-converting landing page is an essential part of any digital marketing campaign. Landing pages are designed to convert visitors into customers by providing a targeted and compelling message that resonates with the audience. However, creating a page with a high conversion rate takes knowledge and skill. 

Here are a few key factors to keep in mind when creating a great landing page design, and how Prismfly can help.

How To Create a High-Converting Landing Page

Creating a high-converting landing page is crucial, but can seem complicated. Let’s walk through some of the main aspects you’ll want to nail down.

1. Choose a Clear and Compelling Headline

The header is the first thing visitors see on your landing page, and it should instantly catch their attention. Your headline is a key landing page element that can either retain visitors or lose them, so make it engaging and persuasive.

Center your headline on your product or service's primary feature or selling point. Write clearly, concisely, and directly to avoid deterring visitors.

Use impactful language that conveys urgency, like "limited-time offer" or "exclusive deal." Including numbers, stats, or data can also boost your offer's credibility and make for a more successful landing page.

2. Make a Clear Call-to-Action (CTA)

Your landing page's call-to-action (CTA) is another important element, as it nudges page visitors to do something instead of just scrolling through. It should guide them to make a purchase, take advantage of an offer, or even just join your email list.

Check out these easy-to-follow tips for an effective call to action:

  • Keep it short and straightforward.
  • Use action-packed words that tell visitors what to do and what they'll get, like "Enjoy Your Free Trial" or "Snag Your Free Guide Now."
  • Make the CTA button pop with eye-catching colors or bold text so it stands out on the page.
  • Put your CTA in a can't-miss spot above the fold so no scrolling is needed.
3. Minimize Distractions

Your landing page should have minimal distractions that risk steering visitors off-course. Ditch navigation menus, links to other pages, and anything else that takes attention away from the offer.

A clean page helps visitors zero in on main components, like your lead magnet. Embrace white space — with fewer distractions, visitors can fully concentrate on your landing page's central message, boosting the chances of conversion.

4. Use Compelling Visuals

Visuals such as images, videos, or graphics are key elements that can help capture attention and convey your message more effectively. Effective landing pages have relevant, high-quality imagery that enhances the user experience.

When choosing visuals for your landing page, consider the emotions and feelings you want to evoke. For example, you can use high-quality images that showcase your product's unique features and benefits or images of your product in use.

Ensure your visuals are optimized for fast loading times, as slow-loading images or videos can lead to a higher bounce rate.

An example of a website homepage.
5. Show Social Proof

Social proof through customer reviews, testimonials, or endorsements can help build trust and credibility with visitors.

To make your social proof more effective, use real names and photos of customers who have used your product or service (with their consent, of course).

6. Optimize Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

Your unique selling proposition (USP) is what sets your product or service apart from your competitors. It should be prominently displayed on your landing page and be focused on the customer's needs and desires.

Your USP should be clear and easy to understand. It should be stated in a way that resonates with your target audience. Adding social proof in the form of customer reviews or testimonials can help support your claim for credibility.

7. Increase Mobile Responsiveness

People are using mobile devices more than ever to surf the web. If your landing page isn't mobile-friendly, you might miss out on potential customers. It's key to make sure your landing page adapts to various screen sizes.

Craft a mobile-responsive landing page with a design that auto-adjusts the layout and elements to fit any device's screen. Ensure easy navigation and readable text, even on tiny screens, and double-check that pop-ups aren't causing a slowdown.

8. Conduct A/B Testing

A/B testing, also known as split testing, is a technique used to compare two versions of the same page to see which performs better in terms of conversions. You can do this by changing a single element on the page, such as the headline or CTA button, and then measuring the results.

A/B testing can help you identify what does and doesn’t work so you can make data-driven decisions and improve your page’s effectiveness. With A/B testing, you’ll only test one variable at a time to accurately measure its impact on conversions (versus multivariate testing, which tests multiple components). 

A/B testing can help give you the info you need to make decisions that can improve your:

  • Content
  • User engagement
  • Bounce rates
  • Conversion rates
  • Sales
9. Prominently Display Trust Badges

Trust badges, also known as trust seals, are symbols or logos that indicate that your website or business is trustworthy and secure. These badges can help build rapport and credibility with visitors and increase their likelihood of converting.

Trust badges can include industry certifications, security badges, or logos of reputable organizations you're affiliated with. Focus on only using badges that are relevant to your business and recognizable to your target audience.

10. Define Your Brand Voice

A defined brand voice is crucial when crafting landing page copy, as it helps create a consistent and memorable brand image that resonates with your target audience. Your brand voice can help build trust and credibility, create a memorable brand image, and build brand recognition. 

Revisit your mission statement to grasp how your brand feels to potential customers. Picture your brand as a person — if your brand were a person in real life, you'd probably want them to feel genuine, approachable, and knowledgeable within their area of experience.

Developing a style guide can solidify this and keep everyone in your company on track with visuals and messaging. Pick your brand color schemes, font, mission statement, and commonly used phrasing, and stick with it.

11. Use SEO Best Practices

SEO best practices are crucial when creating a landing page. Following best practices helps ensure that your landing page is both visible to and trusted by search engines. Effective SEO can help drive more organic traffic to your page and increase conversion rates. 

Some SEO best practices to consider when creating a high-converting landing page include:

  • Conducting keyword research to understand what your target audience is looking for: Use tools like Google Keyword Planner to identify relevant keywords and phrases your target audience is searching for.
  • Optimizing meta titles and descriptions so search engines understand who you are and what your website is advertising: Use descriptive and relevant titles and descriptions that accurately reflect the content on your landing page.
  • Creating high-quality content: Create engaging and informative content that is optimized for your target keywords and provides value to your audience. Having a knowledge base of expert content can also show search engines that you’re an authority within your industry.

SEO best practices are essential for increasing visibility, driving organic traffic, improving user experience, and building credibility. By following SEO best practices, you can ensure that your landing page is optimized, which can help to increase conversions and capture your target audience.

Homepage example for a startup business.
12. Ensure a Fast Page Load Time

Page load time has a significant impact on user experience. Visitors expect landing pages to load quickly; if it takes too long, they may become frustrated and leave. 

Research has shown that even a one-second delay in page load time can result in a 7% decrease in conversions. 

If people aren’t sticking around for the page to load, your chances of getting a sale or even an email address are virtually obliterated.

13. Don’t Forget the Follow-up

Once a visitor converts, follow up with them to keep them engaged and interested in your product or service. You can do this through email marketing or retargeting ads.
Email marketing allows you to send targeted messages to your subscribers based on their interests and buying behaviors. Provide value in your emails by sharing helpful tips, resources, and offers relevant to your customers’ needs. 

Follow-up also provides opportunities to collect testimonials (especially in the form of photo reviews or short videos), from happy customers.
Retargeting ads allow you to show ads to visitors who have previously visited your landing page or website but didn't convert. This can keep your brand top-of-mind and encourage them to revisit your landing page.

The Bottom Line

Creating a high-converting landing page requires a combination of factors, from a clear and compelling headline, to strong visuals, to social proof, and even page loading time. By focusing on these essentials, you can create a landing page that effectively captures visitors' attention, builds trust, and increases conversion. Additionally, continuously testing and optimizing your landing page can help you achieve even better results over time.

Feeling a little overwhelmed with the steps above? Prismfly can help create a high-converting landing page to help you get closer to the KPIs you’re looking for.

Reach out to find out how Prismfly can help your business soar.
