Xtrema designs 100% ceramic cookware, with an emphasis on safer, healthier, longer lasting products compared to non-stick or ceramic-coated competitors. Their team approached Prismfly to create an entirely fresh eCommerce experience. The final deliverable improved aesthetics and scalability, increased conversions, and helped transform visitors into believers.
Average Order Value
Prior to Prismfly's Holistic Site Build, Xtrema was suffering from a poor conversion rate likely due to the lack of "lifestyle" associated with the site. This led to the majority of users not grasping the benefits and value proposition of their healthier product line. The goal was clear, have a new site launched in time for the 2022 Holiday season.
Xtrema felt that their main competitors were other ceramic brands, however, our research uncovered that it was in fact non-stick products fighting for the bulk of their customers. This insight influenced the direction for copy and benefit messaging.