
Princess Polly


Conversion Rate Optimization

Time together

3 Years

Princess Polly sees a 122x return leveraging Prismfly's CRO team.

Fashion giant Princess Polly enlists Prismfly to stand up a robust digital optimization & experimentation program to improve user experience and revenue per visitor. The results are in!


The result


Engagement ROI


A/B Test Win Rate

Their expertise has led to significant improvements in our conversion rate and overall revenue through invaluable testing and data

Melanie Huang

UX Ecommerce Manager


Introduction / Client Profile

In 17 months, we executed 56 tests across Princess Polly’s United States and Australian websites, with 24 yielding positive revenue impact. This case study highlights one of these successful experiments, reflecting Princess Polly's commitment to optimizing their online shopping experience.

Project Overview

Aiming to enhance the user experience on their website, particularly on the Product Detail Page (PDP) for desktop users, Princess Polly and Prismfly focused on improving Add to Cart and Checkout conversions. The primary goal was to make the online shopping journey more user-friendly and efficient.

Princess Polly PDPs


Our approach included a comprehensive analysis of user interactions on the PDP using tools like Microsoft Clarity. The objective was to reduce the number of clicks required for users to view different product images. We introduced a thumbnail hover feature that enabled users to change the main product image by hovering over thumbnails, thereby streamlining the browsing experience.

Before the PDP Thumbnail Hover implementation


PDP Thumbnail Hover in action

The implementation of the thumbnail hover image feature led to a substantial increase in transactions and conversion rates. This can be attributed to 5 core reasons. 

  1. Enhanced User Experience: Hover effects offer a seamless way for users to preview products, reducing the need for excessive clicking and improving overall user satisfaction.
  2. Quick Information Access: These effects provide essential product details upon hover, helping users make informed decisions without navigating to individual product pages.
  3. Reduced Clicks: Thumbnail hover effects enable users to explore multiple products with minimal clicks, making the shopping experience more efficient and convenient.
  4. Better Product Comparison: Users can easily compare products as they hover over thumbnails, aiding decision-making and ensuring customers find the right product.
  5. Increased Engagement: Interactive hover effects engage users, prolonging their stay on the page, and increasing the likelihood of conversion by encouraging exploration and interaction.


The success of the thumbnail hover image experiment at Princess Polly highlights the power of user-centric design in ecommerce. This initiative, a key part of our comprehensive CRO strategy, demonstrates how simple, intuitive changes can significantly boost customer engagement and drive revenue growth. It exemplifies Prismfly's ability to deliver impactful, measurable enhancements, reinforcing the value of targeted improvements in the online shopping experience.

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