Dziugas Alminas
January 23, 2025
min read
Heatmap analysis consistently shows high user engagement with PDP images. Shoppers tend to explore these images, but not all scroll down to the Reviews section. This creates an opportunity to display a top review within the image carousel, capturing attention earlier in the buying journey.
By including a highly rated review with a star rating among product images, you quickly build credibility. Visual cues are powerful, and this tactic can encourage shoppers to trust the product sooner. This trust leads to more Add to Cart actions and completed purchases.
The area around the “Add to Cart” button is a hotspot for user activity, often observed in heatmaps. When users hesitate before committing, adding a concise review just below the CTA can nudge them in the right direction.
This review acts as a last-minute reassurance, reinforcing the product’s value right where it's needed most. A simple statement such as "Loved by thousands of satisfied customers" could help convert browsing into buying.
At the checkout stage, customers are closer than ever to making a purchase, but doubts can still creep in. A well-placed review can eliminate these concerns by reinforcing how others have had a positive experience. This is especially effective for new visitors who could still be unsure.
Including a strong review at this stage ensures the buyers they are making a sound decision. Peer recommendations carry significant weight, so the confidence boost of reading a customer’s glowing review can seal the deal.
Using generic labels such as "Reviews" or "Customer Testimonials" does not fully leverage the social proof your reviews offer. Numbers, however, add authority and instantly communicate the scale of customer satisfaction. This approach makes the testimonials section more impactful.
For example, changing the title to “Join 5,673 Happy Customers” or “2,351 Five-Star Reviews” gives immediate clarity and credibility. These figures act as proof the product is trusted by many, building confidence in potential buyers.
Customers want to see how products look and function in real life, and reviews with images provide this. User-generated photos add a level of authenticity traditional marketing images cannot match. This builds trust faster by showing the product in real-world scenarios.
Seeing the product used by others helps customers visualize themselves using it. This personal connection can increase the likelihood of adding the product to their cart and completing the purchase.
Customer reviews are an essential tool for driving conversions when used strategically across your website. By embedding them in image carousels or featuring them on the checkout page, reviews reassure customers at key decision points. This builds trust and leads to more purchases.
Highlighting review counts or including visuals creates a stronger connection with potential buyers. These elements help customers feel more confident about their purchase decisions. The result is a better user experience and higher conversion rates.
When in doubt, always test different review placements and formats. Running experiments ensures you're using the most effective approach for your audience.
Dziugas Alminas
CRO Consultant
Dziugas brings over a decade of experience in website creation and optimization. His expertise includes a strong focus on enhancing the consumer journey, ensuring that users can navigate seamlessly through the website and reach the thank you page effortlessly
Dziugas Alminas