Creating Ecommerce Upsells That Works

Creating Ecommerce Upsells That Works

Oreoluwa Akinnawo
Aug 13, 2024
min read

Creating effective upsells in the cart drawer is a strategic approach to boosting average order value while enhancing the customer experience.

Although this article focuses on Shopify, the principles discussed can be adapted for other ecommerce platforms as well. Let's explore how to implement successful upsells and why they are so effective.

When a customer adds a primary item (Product A) to their cart on your Shopify store, it’s the perfect opportunity to suggest a complementary item (Product B).

However, this isn’t done randomly; it's based on solid analytics that identify products frequently bought together.

This data-driven approach ensures that the upsells offered are relevant and valuable, enhancing the likelihood of an additional purchase.

The cart drawer in Shopify stores is prime real estate for these upsells. It functions like the impulse buy section near the checkout in a physical store, but with the advantage of being smarter and personalized to each customer’s choices.

By providing easy access to Product B directly from the cart drawer, the purchase process is streamlined, significantly increasing the chances of an upsell.

Key Factors for Implementing Effective Upsells

  1. Relevance: Ensure that Product B genuinely complements Product A. For instance, if a customer is buying a smartphone, suggest a case or screen protector.
  2. Timing: Present the upsell immediately after Product A is added to the cart. This capitalizes on the customer’s current buying mindset.
  3. Simplicity: Avoid overwhelming customers with too many options. One or two well-chosen upsells are enough to prevent decision paralysis.
  4. Clear value proposition: Use concise, benefit-focused language to explain why Product B is a great addition, such as “This product pairs perfectly with…”
  5. Easy add-to-cart: Make adding Product B to the cart a one-click process. The less friction, the better the conversion rate.
  6. Visual appeal: Use high-quality images of Product B. Visuals significantly influence purchasing decisions.
  7. Optional bundle discount: Consider offering a small discount for purchasing both products together. This can provide extra incentive for customers to complete the upsell.
  8. Mobile-friendly design: Ensure your cart drawer functions smoothly across all devices. With the rise of mobile commerce, this is crucial for success.

The objective is to enhance the customer's purchase experience, not to push unnecessary products. By using data to inform your upsell suggestions, you increase the likelihood of making additional sales while maintaining customer satisfaction.

These strategies are commonly employed by the Prismfly team to maximize ecommerce revenue. 

It’s essential to continuously monitor the performance of your upsells. Are customers adding Product B to their carts? Are they completing the purchase? Use this data to refine your strategy over time. Consider A/B testing different upsell products, placements, or messaging to optimize your results.


Implementing smart, data-driven upsells in your cart drawer isn’t just about increasing revenue—it’s about helping customers discover products they might love but may have overlooked. When done right, it’s a win for both your business and your customers.

While this article focuses on Shopify, these principles can be applied to other ecommerce platforms with similar cart drawer functionalities. The key is to understand your platform’s capabilities and adapt these strategies accordingly.
