
Luxy Hair


Shopify Development

Conversion Rate Optimization

Time together

1.5 Years

Learn how a leading beauty brand leverages quizflows to increase conversions.

From finding the right color to determining what weight of hair is right based on your hair's thickness and ultimate hair goals, shopping for hair extensions is a complicated process, especially for first time buyers. After putting an original quiz flow in place with Luxy and seeing great results, we have continually run split tests geared at constant improvement.


The result


Returning Conversion Rate


Email Revenue Per Session

I would highly recommend Prismfly to anyone who’s looking to optimize conversion rate, drive sales and growth. Working with them is a welcome breeze–they are organized, efficient, knowledgeable, and responsive. They helped us improve our CVR by +35% which drove a significant lift in revenue as well.

Liliya Kay

Director of eCommerce



As Luxy Hair's product catalog continued to grow and change, inventory management became increasingly difficult and the current quiz built under a page builder was becoming impossible to manage. Due to this outdated quiz flow, Luxy was not successfully capturing the first party data being offered from the quiz.


  • Ran multiple split and multi-variant tests centered around optimizing questions and the flow.
  • Split test adding an email capture to the quiz, adding popularity callouts as well as buttons for options.
  • Split test removing the header and footer.
  • Performed custom development to capture the lost first party data.
  • Passed data directly to Klaviyo, custom Facebook events and Google Analytics.


When first strategizing for this project our team felt that new users benefited most from a quiz flow, however, in our research we found that returning visitors were the group that had a harder time finding what they needed and relied more heavily on the quiz.

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