
Paul Rich


Conversion Rate Optimization

Time together

1 Year

Scaling a young luxury brand in an old-school industry.

Fast-growing luxury brand, Paul Rich, partners with Prismfly to improve conversion rate and increase visibility into key analytics.


The result


Engagement ROI


Tests With Positive Financial Impact



Paul Rich is a relatively young, fast-growing luxury brand. They were struggling with on-site conversion rate since most easy methods do not fair well for high-end brands. They enlisted Prismfly to optimize their site and analytics given our experience unlocking growth in the fashion & luxury space.

  • Tabbed Collection for first time visitors on desktop.
  • Repositioned Shop Pay messaging on site.
  • Implementation of a checkout progress bar to help provide clarity throughout the buyer journey.
  • Tested subscribe & save by default.
  • Split test the viability of cost on free shipping threshold.
  • Addition of a sticky add-to-cart bar on desktop.
  • Trust badges at checkout in order to increase conversions.

Price and transparency was a main point of focus during the engagement. Best practices don't always yield the same results for every brand.

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