Benefits of an Early Migration to Checkout Extensibility

Benefits of an Early Migration to Checkout Extensibility

Sarah Chavarria
Jul 1, 2024
min read

The shift to Checkout Extensibility is essential for brands on Shopify, particularly those using checkout.liquid as part of Shopify’s formerly known enterprise tier, Shopify Plus. This transition offers numerous benefits to significantly enhance performance and user experience.

Source: Shopify

Key advantages, practical tips, and important considerations for ensuring a smooth migration are detailed below.


  1. Faster Checkout: Streamlined processes and optimized code lead to quicker transaction times, reducing cart abandonment rates.
  2. Better User Experience (UX): Improved interfaces and smoother workflows enhance the overall shopping experience, fostering customer loyalty.
  3. Future-Proofing: Adopting Checkout Extensibility prepares a business for future updates and innovations, ensuring long-term sustainability.
  4. Seamless Integration: Easily add approved apps and integrations to the checkout process with just a few clicks, enhancing functionality without complex coding.
  5. Simplified Debugging: Say goodbye to tedious checkout debugging, freeing up the development team's time for more critical tasks.
  6. Address Validation: Ensure accurate shipping information with integrated address validation, reducing delivery errors and enhancing customer satisfaction.

Tips for a Smooth Migration

  1. Find Experienced Professionals: Engage a team with expertise in Checkout Extensibility. This shift is significant, and having experienced professionals can make a substantial difference.
  2. Identify Necessary Tracking Scripts: Make a list of all the tracking scripts your team needs at checkout. This list will streamline the migration process and reduce potential issues.
  3. Prepare Branding Elements: Have the color palette and logo ready to ensure the new checkout matches the site's branding seamlessly.

Things to Consider

  1. Migrating Tracking Scripts: Transitioning tracking scripts can be challenging, especially if analytics or tracking vendors are unresponsive or unhelpful. This is a critical area to manage carefully during the migration process.
  2. Reverting Options: Post-migration, it is possible to revert to checkout.liquid if necessary. However, this option may not be available indefinitely.
  3. Special Product Handling: Plan how special products, such as gift wrapping, package protection, and bundles, will appear at checkout.
  4. Custom Code Migration: Any custom code from checkout.liquid must be migrated to checkout extensions, Shopify Functions, or Shopify Pixels. Seek help from developers experienced in Shopify checkout migration for this task.
  5. App Hosting: Apps with checkout extensions need to be hosted outside Shopify. Typically, a virtual machine or server costing around $5-10 per month suffices. Ensure this is set up under the business's name (not the developer’s) to retain ownership of the code.
  6. Tracking Script Migration: Each tracking script from checkout.liquid must be moved to an App Pixel or Custom Pixel. This can be complex, especially if vendors are unresponsive. Confirm data visibility with each vendor post-migration.
  7. Page Migrations: The Thank You page, Order Status page, and additional scripts also need to be migrated by August 28, 2025. Consider doing this after successfully removing checkout.liquid to simplify the process.

Scoping the Migration

  1. Current Checkout Functions: Start with a detailed list of all current checkout functions and promotions. Discuss this with the team or provide a comprehensive list of "checkout needs."
  2. Additional Features: Add any new features desired in the updated checkout. To optimize budget and reduce redundancy, audit existing apps to see if they offer necessary extensions.
  3. Complexity and Effort: The complexity largely depends on the number of tracking scripts needing conversion. However, with extensive experience, these variables can be anticipated and managed effectively.
Source: Red Land Cotton

Why Now?

Now is an ideal time to upgrade. The APIs for Pixels and Checkout Extensibility are mature and stable enough to support even the most complex setups. 

Recent updates have enhanced web pixels to capture richer data, allowing for better reporting. Additionally, the new checkout process is faster, more secure, and integrates more seamlessly with apps. 

Shopify Functions, which are replacing Shopify Scripts, have been continually updated, providing more flexibility and opportunities for customization.

Source: Red Land Cotton

Prismfly's Expertise

Prismfly has successfully migrated all clients to Checkout Extensibility. The team’s extensive experience includes:

  • Installing checkout app extensions
  • Developing custom checkout extensions that appear both in-checkout and post-purchase
  • Converting tracking and analytics scripts to Shopify Pixels
  • Converting Shopify Scripts to Functions

The team is adept at handling various functionalities and is well-versed in implementing the latest APIs and features. 

From the Product Discount Function API to the Visitor API, the team invests heavily in mastering each new release, ensuring any issues related to Functions, Pixels, and Checkout Extensibility can be solved.


Migrating to Checkout Extensibility is a strategic move which offers numerous benefits, including improved performance, enhanced security, and seamless integrations.

With careful planning and the right team, navigating the challenges can help set an ecommerce business up for long-term success. This transition can be made smoothly and efficiently,  especially with a team experienced in handling such migrations.
