


Conversion Rate Optimization

Shopify Development

Time together

1.5 Years

Driving performance while maintaining brand equity for high-end home goods retailer.

After seeing great success, former Brooklinen Co-Founder, Benjamin Hyman, enlisted Prismfly's optimization program for A/B testing and analytics as they looked to expand and scale the Revival product line.


The result


Add to Cart


Conversion Rate



Revival had never conducted user or A/B testing before but wanted to grow their conversion rate quickly and strategically through user testing and insights but also through technology improvements. Their growth within 3 years necessitated a partnership to expedite identifying and optimizing opportunities, coupled with data-driven outcomes.

  • One of the successful experiments launched on the Revival site centered around reinforcing value for users. The experiment added an easy layer of visibility for users by simply calculating % off and displaying it on the Product Detail Pages.
  • Normally, the Original and Sale Price were presented to users. The team was looking to gauge the impact of the reinforced value perceived by including the percent-off savings as well. This increased users' propensity to add to cart and ultimately purchase.
  • This was a 50/50 test with Control showing Original, Sale Price and Average Star Rating on one line. Without changing location of the information, random users were exposed to variation 1 showing Original Price, Sale Price and Percent Savings (Average Star Rating was moved to its own line above price for design clarity and mobile application).

Driving conversions for high-ticket items is attainable through diligent research. When expanding your catalog, new items lack social proof, therefore it is crucial to highlight brand trust signals.

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